At Our Bunny Barn we love using apple cider as a supplement to help keep our bunnies healthy. Make sure you get real unfiltered ACV with the mother. We add about a teaspoon or so to each of our water bottles and we recommend you do too! Here's some reasons why:
Full of good vitamins and probiotics
Good for their immune system and possibly prevents UTIs
Can also help reduce ammonia smell in their urine
Helps with keeping their body's pH regulated and can clear up skin conditions
Keeps their fur soft and shiny
Promotes G.I. health and with nutrient absorption
A preventative for fleas and mites as it makes bunnies smell off to them
Improves fertility rates
Can also be used as a safe cleaner for cages, bowls, etc. we use it or white vinegar for most of our rabbitry cleaning
As long as ACV is diluted properly there's no risk to your rabbit and it's easy to add to their water bottle or bowl when you're refilling it anyway. We highly recommend giving it a try and seeing the benefits for yourself!
I'll link a couple that we recommend here if you're interested, but any ACV with the mother you can find at your local grocery or health food store will definitely work.
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